Bayesian methods and machine learning
Lecture 1:
Christian Forssén, 2019-06-24
- [Bayesian optimization
- Global versus local optimization
- Gaussian process statistical model
- Acquisition functions
- Bayesian optimization
- Scanned lecture notes [pdf]
- Bayesian Optimization lecture [ipynb]
- Bayesian optimization in ab initio nuclear physics by A. Ekström, C. Forssén et al.
Lecture 2:
Christian Forssén, 2019-06-26
- Bayesian neural networks
- Scanned lecture notes [pdf]
- Bayesian Neural Networks [ipynb]
You will need tensorflow
and keras
for running this lecture notebook and the accompanying exercise. In this directory, please run
conda deactivate
conda env create
which reads the environment.yml file and creates the virtual environment talent-env-ml
. It can be activated:
conda activate talent-env-ml