The program for finding the eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator are in the github folder
You can use this program to solve the exercise below, or write your own using your preferred programming language, be it python, fortran or c++ or other languages. Here I will mainly provide fortran, python and c++.
a) Compute the eigenvalues of the three lowest states with a given orbital momentum and oscillator frequency \( \omega \). Study these results as functions of the the maximum value of \( r \) and the number of integration points \( n \), starting with \( r_{\mathrm{max}}=10 \). Compare the computed ones with the exact values and comment your results.
b) Plot thereafter the eigenfunctions as functions of \( r \) for the lowest-lying state with a given orbital momentum \( l \).
c) Replace thereafter the harmonic oscillator potential with a Woods-Saxon potential using the parameters discussed above. Compute the lowest five eigenvalues and plot the eigenfunction of the lowest-lying state. How does this compare with the harmonic oscillator? Comment your results and possible implications for nuclear physics studies.