Let us study some selected examples. We need also to keep in mind that parity is conserved. The strong and electromagnetic Hamiltonians conserve parity. Thus the eigenstates can be broken down into two classes of states labeled by their parity \( \pi= +1 \) or \( \pi=-1 \). The nuclear interactions do not mix states with different parity.
For nuclear structure the total parity originates from the intrinsic parity of the nucleon which is \( \pi_{\mathrm{intrinsic}}=+1 \) and the parities associated with the orbital angular momenta \( \pi_l=(-1)^l \) . The total parity is the product over all nucleons \( \pi = \prod_i \pi_{\mathrm{intrinsic}}(i)\pi_l(i) = \prod_i (-1)^{l_i} \)
The basis states we deal with are constructed so that they conserve parity and have thus a definite parity.
Note that we do have parity violating processes, more on this later although our focus will be mainly on non-parity viloating processes