Second quantization is a useful and elegant formalism for constructing many-body states and quantum mechanical operators. One can express and translate many physical processes into simple pictures such as Feynman diagrams. Expecation values of many-body states are also easily calculated. However, although the equations are seemingly easy to set up, from a practical point of view, that is the solution of Schroedinger's equation, there is no particular gain. The many-body equation is equally hard to solve, irrespective of representation. The cliche that there is no free lunch brings us down to earth again. Note however that a transformation to a particular basis, for cases where the interaction obeys specific symmetries, can ease the solution of Schroedinger's equation.
But there is at least one important case where second quantization comes to our rescue. It is namely easy to introduce another reference state than the pure vacuum \( |0\rangle \), where all single-particle states are active. With many particles present it is often useful to introduce another reference state than the vacuum state$|0\rangle $. We will label this state \( |c\rangle \) (\( c \) for core) and as we will see it can reduce considerably the complexity and thereby the dimensionality of the many-body problem. It allows us to sum up to infinite order specific many-body correlations. The particle-hole representation is one of these handy representations.