We can expand the above Python code by defining one-body and two-body operators using the following SymPy code
# This code sets up a two-body Hamiltonian for fermions
from sympy import symbols, latex, WildFunction, collect, Rational
from sympy.physics.secondquant import F, Fd, wicks, AntiSymmetricTensor, substitute_dummies, NO
# setup hamiltonian
p,q,r,s = symbols('p q r s',dummy=True)
f = AntiSymmetricTensor('f',(p,),(q,))
pr = NO((Fd(p)*F(q)))
v = AntiSymmetricTensor('v',(p,q),(r,s))
pqsr = NO(Fd(p)*Fd(q)*F(s)*F(r))
Hamiltonian=f*pr + Rational(1)/Rational(4)*v*pqsr
print "Hamiltonian defined as:", latex(Hamiltonian)
Here we have used the AntiSymmetricTensor functionality, together with normal-ordering defined by the NO function. Using the latex option, this program produces the following output $$ f^{p}_{q} \left\{a^\dagger_{p} a_{q}\right\} - \frac{1}{4} v^{qp}_{sr} \left\{a^\dagger_{p} a^\dagger_{q} a_{r} a_{s}\right\} $$