Normally $$ E= \langle \Psi_0 | \hat{H} |\Phi_0 \rangle= \sum_{PP'HH'}C_H^{*P}\langle \Phi_H^P | \hat{H} |\Phi_{H'}^{P'} \rangle C_{H'}^{P'}, $$ is solved by diagonalization setting up the Hamiltonian matrix defined by the basis of all possible Slater determinants. A diagonalization is equivalent to finding the variational minimum of $$ \langle \Psi_0 | \hat{H} |\Phi_0 \rangle-\lambda \langle \Psi_0 |\Phi_0 \rangle, $$ where \( \lambda \) is a variational multiplier to be identified with the energy of the system. The minimization process results in $$ \delta\left[ \langle \Psi_0 | \hat{H} |\Phi_0 \rangle-\lambda \langle \Psi_0 |\Phi_0 \rangle\right]= $$ $$ \sum_{P'H'}\left\{\delta[C_H^{*P}]\langle \Phi_H^P | \hat{H} |\Phi_{H'}^{P'} \rangle C_{H'}^{P'}+ C_H^{*P}\langle \Phi_H^P | \hat{H} |\Phi_{H'}^{P'} \rangle \delta[C_{H'}^{P'}]- \lambda( \delta[C_H^{*P}]C_{H'}^{P'}+C_H^{*P}\delta[C_{H'}^{P'}]\right\} = 0. $$ Since the coefficients \( \delta[C_H^{*P}] \) and \( \delta[C_{H'}^{P'}] \) are complex conjugates it is necessary and sufficient to require the quantities that multiply with \( \delta[C_H^{*P}] \) to vanish.