The Hamiltonian matrix will have smaller dimensions (a factor of 10 or more) in the \( J \)-scheme than in the \( M \)-scheme. On the other hand, as we'll show in the next slide, the \( M \)-scheme is very easy to construct with Slater determinants, while the \( J \)-scheme basis states, and thus the matrix elements, are more complicated, almost always being linear combinations of \( M \)-scheme states. \( J \)-scheme bases are important and useful, but we'll focus on the simpler \( M \)-scheme.
The quantum number \( m \) is additive (because the underlying group is Abelian): if a Slater determinant \( \hat{a}_i^\dagger \hat{a}^\dagger_j \hat{a}^\dagger_k \ldots | 0 \rangle \) is built from single-particle states all with good \( m \), then the total $$ M = m_i + m_j + m_k + \ldots $$ This is not true of \( J \), because the angular momentum group SU(2) is not Abelian.