A standard choice for the first iteration is to set $$ C_{ij}^{ab} =\frac{\langle ij \vert \hat{v} \vert ab \rangle}{\epsilon_i+\epsilon_j-\epsilon_a-\epsilon_b}. $$ At the end we can rewrite our solution of the Schroedinger equation in terms of \( n \) coupled equations for the coefficients \( C_H^P \). This is a very cumbersome way of solving the equation. However, by using this iterative scheme we can illustrate how we can compute the various terms in the wave operator or correlation operator \( \hat{C} \). We will later identify the calculation of the various terms \( C_H^P \) as parts of different many-body approximations to full CI. In particular, we can relate this non-linear scheme with Coupled Cluster theory and many-body perturbation theory.