The observant reader will however see that we need an equation for \( C_{jk}^{bc} \) and \( C_{jkl}^{bcd} \) as well. To find equations for these coefficients we need then to continue our multiplications from the left with the various \( \Phi_{H}^P \) terms.
For \( C_{jk}^{bc} \) we need then $$ \langle \Phi_{ij}^{ab} | \hat{H} -E| \Phi_0\rangle + \sum_{kc}\langle \Phi_{ij}^{ab} | \hat{H} -E|\Phi_{k}^{c} \rangle C_{k}^{c}+ $$ $$ \sum_{cdkl}\langle \Phi_{ij}^{ab} | \hat{H} -E|\Phi_{kl}^{cd} \rangle C_{kl}^{cd}+\sum_{cdeklm}\langle \Phi_{ij}^{ab} | \hat{H} -E|\Phi_{klm}^{cde} \rangle C_{klm}^{cde}+\sum_{cdefklmn}\langle \Phi_{ij}^{ab} | \hat{H} -E|\Phi_{klmn}^{cdef} \rangle C_{klmn}^{cdef}=0, $$ and we can isolate the coefficients \( C_{kl}^{cd} \) in a similar way as we did for the coefficients \( C_{i}^{a} \).