The Hartree-Fock equations are, in their simplest form, solved in an iterative way, starting with a guess for the
coefficients \( C_{i\alpha} \). We label the coefficients as \( C_{i\alpha}^{(n)} \), where the subscript \( n \) stands for iteration \( n \).
To set up the algorithm we can proceed as follows:
- We start with a guess \( C_{i\alpha}^{(0)}=\delta_{i,\alpha} \). Alternatively, we could have used random starting values as long as the vectors are normalized. Another possibility is to give states below the Fermi level a larger weight.
- The Hartree-Fock matrix simplifies then to (assuming that the coefficients \( C_{i\alpha} \) are real)
\sum_{j = 1}^A\sum_{\gamma\delta} C_{j\gamma}^{(0)}C_{j\delta}^{(0)}\langle \alpha\gamma|\hat{v}|\beta\delta\rangle_{AS}.